Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wk3 Reading: Art of Possibility, Chapters 7- 9

The most important information I received from the readings this week is something that I have been hearing quite often from friends, through lectures and blogs and that is the importance of relationships. The author remembers his father getting dressed to visit someone and wonders why he just doesn’t call him. He doesn’t realize until he is older that having a relationship with others is more than just picking up the phone. When he wanted Slava to come he initially called and the receptionist declined his invitation. He realized that the trip his father made with the train ride was just as important for him to take a plane to see Slava. After seeing Slava in person, his invitation was accepted. Relationships are very important. If you nourish them, they will grow. If you don’t take relationships seriously, you lose the chance of them growing into something spectacular. One of the lectures I recently attended stressed the importance of relationships in business. Anyone can sell a widget, but it takes a special person to build a relationship to help their customer get the best from their widget. By immersing yourself into the relationship, you have a better understanding of where the other person is coming from.

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