Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wk4 Publishing/Leadership project part 2 of 2: Introduction

I initially stated that I would like to do a presentation, but after consideration, I've decided that at this time, submitting a paper would be best. I am interested in submitting my paper to TechTrends. I chose Tech Trends because I feel that the research I have done and the course that I have created with Amy displays an innovative approach to applying technology in an instructional environment. My paper discusses the instructional design and the outcome of decisions made during the process.

My second choice for publication is Journal of Interactive Learning Research. I chose this venue due to the emphasis in online training, distributed learning environments and interactive learning. The study skills course that Amy and I created definitely fills all of these requirements. It is a new approach to learning where students can access the information online, anytime and in a collaborative manner.

Here is a link to my paper

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