Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wk4 Reading: Art of Possibility, Chapters 10-12

This chapter really had me thinking in a different way by contemplating "how did I get on this board?" So many times we are ready to put up our defense or attack when things don't go quite the way that we think they should. By taking time to analyze all aspects of a situation, we are able to have better attitude and see the whole picture and not just our own. The conductor could have easily been upset and angry at the musician for leaving his orchestra. Instead, he took the "why I give myself an A" approach and was able to communicate to the musician how much she meant to the group, how he respected her and that she would be missed. This was a great way for him to build a strong relationship with the musician and peace within himself.


  1. Sadly many fail to understand that education is about relationships, that it's much more than data collection. So, giving an A changes the nature of the relationships in the classroom
